Government Civilian Personnel

Civilian Personnel is located on the third floor of the AEDC Headquarters building. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Arnold Air Force Base is located approximately 65 southeast of Nashville, Tennessee and approximately 65 miles northwest of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

100 Kindel Drive, Suite C-318
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-3318
(931) 454-5477  l  DSN 340-5477  l  FAX (931) 454-7899  l  DSN FAX 340-7899

Effective March 18, 2021, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) mandated the use of Direct/Expedited Hiring Authorities (DHA/EHA).  We will deploy the use of the Salesforce recruitment tool for internal and external applicants. The Air Force offers qualified applicants opportunities to be hired for certain occupations covered by DHA/EHA. The use of DHA/EHA is a fast-track method of hiring applicants from the public with no prior federal status using a non-traditional method of recruitment. These positions may be permanent, term, or temporary positions and may be covered by government-wide authorities or approved specifically for the Department of Defense (DoD).

Listing of Authorities Covered:

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math), Maintenance, Cyber Workforce, Acquisition, Medical/Health, Financial Management, Business Transformation & Management Innovation, Police Officers, Installation Military Housing Offices, Domestic Defense Industrial Base (DIB) & Major Range and Test Facilities Base (MRTFB), Post-Secondary and Recent Graduates

Air Force Civilian Careers:

You will locate the state of Tennessee on the map and select the pin drop to view open vacancy announcements. When an applicant has located a vacancy announcement for which he or she wishes to apply, he or she may apply by clicking on the name of the vacancy. The applicant will establish an account with their biographic information, preference of location and area of interest, citizenship and education information.  If applicable: security clearance, Veteran information, disability information. The applicant will upload attachments, i.e. resume, transcript and other relevant information. The applicant is able to submit multiple applications for different vacancies on the same day.  This information flows into the Salesforce or USAJobs platforms, as appropriate, where the selecting supervisor will evaluate applicants on an equivalent basis.  The Air Force offers qualified applicants opportunities to be hired for certain occupations covered by Direct/Expedited Hiring Authorities (DHA/EHA). For further assistance, please contact the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102 or 210-565-0102, worldwide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Air Force Test Center:        Arnold AFB:

The Air Force Test Center not only lists vacancy announcements for Arnold Air Force Base, but also other Air Force bases that are under the Air Force Test Center. When an applicant has located a vacancy announcement for which he or she wishes to apply, he or she may apply by clicking on the name of the vacancy. The applicant will establish an account with their biographic information, preference of location and area of interest, citizenship and education information.  If applicable: security clearance, Veteran information, disability information. The applicant will upload attachments, i.e. resume, transcript and other relevant information. The applicant is able to submit multiple applications for different vacancies on the same day. The Air Force offers qualified applicants opportunities to be hired for certain occupations covered by Direct/Expedited Hiring Authorities (DHA/EHA). For further assistance, please contact AFTC Enterprise Recruitment at


We are migrating away from the use of USAJobs and utilizing Salesforce as a recruitment tool for internal and external applicants. However, there are case by case situations where positions MAY be announced via USAJobs. You will search for Tullahoma in the search bar and it will populate vacancy announcements. Once the applicant has established an account in USAJobs, there is the able to create and store up to 5 resumes and submit multiple resumes for different vacancies on the same day. When an applicant has located a vacancy announcement for which he or she wishes to apply, he or she may apply by clicking on the "Apply Online" button located at the bottom of the page. USAJobs will provide a field that contains the list of the resumes and the applicant is able to choose which resume to use for this specific vacancy. Once the resume is selected, the browser then takes the applicant to "Application Manager" for account setup, any Biographic Information updates and completion of the "Online Questionnaire" (answering the assessment questions linked to that vacancy announcement). Under the “Upload Documents Tab” the applicant is also able to upload additional documents, (i.e., another resume, transcript, other required supporting documentation, etc.).


Federal Employment of People with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities may apply for jobs filled either competitively (where qualified individuals compete with one another through structured process), noncompetitively (where a qualified individual may be selected based on a special appointing authority), or through an excepted appointing authority for people with disabilities (i.e. schedule A).

Competitively: Jobs that are filled competitively are advertised through Salesforce. Search for jobs that interest you and for which you qualify and follow the instructions on how to apply.

Non-Competitively: There are a number of special appointing authorities that agencies may utilize to fill jobs, including a special appointing authority to hire 30 percent or more disabled veterans. For more information on this and other veterans hiring authorities, visit

Through Schedule A: To be eligible for the Schedule A authority, specifically 5 CFR 213.3102(u), you must provide a "proof of disability" letter stating that you have an intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric disability. You can get this letter from your doctor, a licensed medical professional, a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, or any federal, state, or local agency that issues or provides disability benefits. In addition to having the proof of disability letter, you must meet the qualification requirements and be able to perform the essential duties of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation. You will need to provide a resume and also a transcript if your education qualifies you for the position(s) you are seeking. You will be able to provide this information and indicate the occupational areas and Air Force installations where you are interested in working by accessing the Schedule A application process at:

NAF Employment

The Non-appropriated Funds (NAF) Human Resources Office is located in Wingo Inn, Room 206, Arnold Village, Arnold AFB, TN. Our hours of operation are: Mon-Fri, 0730 - 1600.

NAF Employment Information Handout
NAF Pay Schedules

Applicants interested in NAF employment at Arnold AFB, TN will use the Air Force NAF employment site, to register and apply. Paper applications and resumes will no longer be accepted at the NAF Human Resources Office.

For more information, contact the NAF Human Resources Office at (931) 454-4945/5481 or DSN 340-4945/5481.


AEDC Public Affairs

AEDC Public Affairs
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-242
Arnold AFB, TN 37389
(931) 454-4204
Privacy and Security
Public Affairs cannot provide individual phone numbers, nor do they have the ability to transfer phone calls.
