Frequently Asked Questions - Topics

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Expand List item 300Collapse List item 300  Air Force Outreach

How do I contact a specific organization within AEDC? 

                       Call the base locator at 931-454-3000 (DSN 340-3000) 


 How do I request Air Force Band support for my event?

Visit the Air Force Outreach web site for information. 

For more information about Air Force bands, visit  

Expand List item 301Collapse List item 301  Base Information

Does Arnold AFB have a base exchange and/or commissary?

Arnold AFB does have a small commissary to serve active duty members, reserve, National Guard and some 3,200 retired members of the uniformed services and their families.

Arnold AFB has a limited base exchange (BX) . However, there is no AAFES service station on base nor are there other AAFES services (laundry/dry cleaning, alterations, MCSS, bookstore, Burger King, etc.)

Redstone Arsenal, Ala., and Fort Campbell, Ky., do have large Commissaries and BXs within 100 miles of Arnold. Large items purchased at these BXs can be shipped, for no extra charge, to our BX for pick-up.

Base Exchange:
Bldg. 125, von Karman Rd.
Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Sunday & Monday
(931) 454-7153

125 von Karman Rd.
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-2600
MONDAY 0730 – 1730
TUE-WED 0800 – 1730
THURSDAY 0800 – 1830
FRIDAY 0800 – 1730
SATURDAY 0800 – 1630
(931) 454-7249
DSN 340-7249

Does the base provide shuttle transportation to and from the airport?

Shuttle transportation is not available for airport pick up.


How do I contact the Military Personnel Flight at Arnold AFB? What services does the MPF provide?

Arnold AFB has a fully operational MPF that provides services such as:
-- Assignments
-- Reenlistments
-- Awards/Decorations
-- Retirements/Separations (per individual inquiry)

The MPF office is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information, call (931) 454-6410 or DSN: 340-6410.

How do I contact the Staff Judge Advocate office?

The AEDC Staff Judge Advocate office can be contacted at (931) 454-7814 or by DSN 340-7814.

To contact the "on-call" attorney for an emergency, call the base operations center:
(931) 454-7752

How do I gain access to Arnold AFB?

Arnold AFB requires a unique security badge for entry to the Arnold Engineering Development Complex.

Personnel working at Arnold AFB are required to have two identification badges for entry to the base: AEDC employee badge and Common Access Card (CAC).

For active duty military and DoD civilians, the AEDC Personnel Division will submit the required paperwork to the Visitor Control Center for processing when your PCS orders or job offer are confirmed.

For military personnel, the Civilian Personnel staff will submit the required paperwork to the Visitor Control Center for processing when they receive your orders. Coordination with your sponsor must be done to obtain your AEDC security badge at the Visitor Control Center, located adjacent to the Main Gate, upon arrival at Arnold AFB.

Contractors must work with their Human Resource Office for badge issuance instructions and are issued a security badge when in-processing.

The Visitor Control Center is located adjacent to AEDC's Main Gate. The hours of operation are: Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Visitor Center has a Department of Defense RAPIDS ID card machine and can provide Identification Cards issuance for all branches of services within all components (active, Guard, Reserve, civilian, family member/dependent) during the established hours of operation. Card issuance is provided on a walk-in only basis, Monday through Friday, 6:30 am to 3:30 pm. (CLOSED on all Federal Holidays)

For issuance of ID cards, the military member and/or family member must have two forms of identification: 1) Either a valid federal/state ID w/photo and 2) a birth certificate, Social Security card, valid passport or voter's registration card.

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For more information, contact AEDC Visitor Center at (931) 454-5453 or by DSN 340-5453.

How do I register my vehicle for a base decal?

Effective June 2008, base vehicle decals are no longer required to enter the installation.


Is on base childcare services provided?

Arnold AFB does not provide On Base Childcare.

The State of Tennessee has also established Childcare Providers information on childcare opportunities throughout Tennessee.

Most schools also have before and afterschool programs.


Is there a barber shop on base?

Barbershop services isn't available at Arnold AFB.


Is there a Chapel on base?

Arnold AFB no longer has a Chapel nor assigned or attached Chaplain.


Is there a Post Office on base? If so, what services does it provide?

The AEDC/Mail Center (Post Office) is located at:
Bldg. 685, Second Avenue
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-6900

Services provided by the post office are:
1st Class Mail
Priority Mail
Express Mail
Packaged Mail
Parcel Post Mail
Media Mail
Library Mail
International Mail

AEDC/Mail Center also offers special services required for accountable mail which is listed below:
Certified Mail
Certified w/Return Receipt
Express Mail
Express w/Return Receipt
Registered Mail
Registered w/Return Receipt
Signature Confirmation

Services NOT provided by the post office are:
PO Boxes
Selling of stamps or money orders
Acceptance of all your possessions from a PCS (TMO can do this)
During PCS, personnel may need to contact their sponsor for assistance with having their mail temporarily forwarded until there is a permanent address established.
Personal mail is not accepted inside the Mail Center, but personal mail may be placed in the blue postal mail box which is located on the corner of 2nd Avenue, in front of building 685.

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Closed on federal holidays

For additional information, contact the AEDC Post Office at (931) 454-5577 or
DSN 340-5577.


Is there anywhere I can have access to a computer with a CAC (Common Access Card) reader? Wi-Fi?

The Wingo Lakeside Lodge, managed by Services Outdoor Recreation, has a common use computer which has a CAC card reader attached to it. It is located in the lobby area by the front desk. This allows a visitor to access their "corporate" (official) email while here at AEDC.

We do not have a public library; we have a technical library but the computers there are not CAC-enabled.

If you have a personal or work laptop or tablet with a CAC card reader feature, you can use the public Wi-Fi within the Café 100 area for free. The password is changed frequently and is mounted on the walls in several areas of the facility.
Expand List item 302Collapse List item 302  Base Locator

How can I contact a specific individual assigned to Arnold Engineering Development Complex? 

                 Call the base locator at 931-454-3000 (DSN 340-3000)
Expand List item 304Collapse List item 304  Base Digital News

Where can I find AEDC news?

The High Mach is a digital news repository for Arnold Engineering Development Complex.  

High Mach news is produced by an AEDC support contractor. The repository serves an approximate base population of more than 2,300 as well as retired base employees, local military retirees and aerospace organizations with an interest in or connection to AEDC. 

AEDC's digital news and archived High Mach base newspapers may be viewed at 

How do I advertise in High Mach?

The High Mach digital news doesn't include advertising.

How do I contact the High Mach staff?

If you have a story idea or suggestions for High Mach contact:

High Mach 
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A236 
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-1236 
(931) 454-5655


Expand List item 305Collapse List item 305  Doing business with AEDC

I have something that needs to be tested at an AEDC facility. Who should I contact?

Click here for information on how to become a test customer.

 I'm interested in becoming a contractor for AEDC. Who do I need to talk to?

Click here for up-to-date information on doing business with AEDC.  The web page has basic information on who to contact.
Expand List item 303Collapse List item 303  Recreational Lodging

How do I make reservations at the Wingo Lakeside Lodge?

To make reservations, call 931-454-6084/3051

Hours of Operation: 
Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 


 How many rooms does the Wingo Lakeside Lodge have?

The Wingo Lakeside Lodge offers 22 rooms and 8 long term rooms. 

 I already know when I will be traveling through Tennessee. How early can I make reservations at the Wingo Lakeside Lodge?

All fees are due at the time of reservation. Reservations may be made in advance as follows:
Active Duty: 90 days
Retired Military: 60 days
Eligible Veterans & DoD Civilians: 45 days 
Base Contractors & Others Eligible: 30 days

Expand List item 306Collapse List item 306  Environment

Who can I talk to about environmental concerns about the base?

AEDC is committed to achieving and sustaining environmental compliance, pollution prevention, restoring lands and waters, and conserving and protecting natural and cultural resources through proactive environmental management and continuous process improvement.

Environmental Management can be reached at:

Environmental Management Division
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-228
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-1228
FAX: (931) 454-6252
Phone: (931) 454-6290
DSN: 340-6290

Questions > FAQ Topic 

Who can I talk to about environmental concerns about the base?

AEDC is committed to achieving and sustaining environmental compliance, pollution prevention, restoring lands and waters, and conserving and protecting natural and cultural resources through proactive environmental management and continuous process improvement.

Environmental Management can be reached at:

Environmental Management Division
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-228
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-1228
FAX: (931) 454-6252
Phone: (931) 454-6290
DSN: 340-6290
Questions > FAQ Topic 

Who can I talk to about environmental concerns about the base?

AEDC is committed to achieving and sustaining environmental compliance, pollution prevention, restoring lands and waters, and conserving and protecting natural and cultural resources through proactive environmental management and continuous process improvement.

Environmental Management can be reached at:

Environmental Management Division
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-228
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-1228
FAX: (931) 454-6252
Phone: (931) 454-6290
DSN: 340-6290
Expand List item 307Collapse List item 307  Hometown News Releases

How can I submit a Hometown News Release?

The Army & Air Force Hometown News Service is a field operating agency supporting the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force Offices of Public Affairs. They produce a variety of print and electronic news products highlighting the accomplishments and worldwide activities of individual soldiers and airmen. 

Air Force members can submit a hometown news release highlighting their professional accomplishments and milestones by clicking here
Expand List item 308Collapse List item 308  Humanitarian Donations

Will the Air Force transport donations overseas?

            Contact USAID for assistance in transporting humanitarian donations. 
Expand List item 309Collapse List item 309  Navy Personnel

How can I contact someone at the Naval Air Systems Command detachment?

The command section for the Naval Air Systems Command detachment at AEDC can be contacted at (931) 454-5201.
Expand List item 310Collapse List item 310  News Media Information

How does media contact the base?

If you are interested in a media tour of AEDC, an interview, photos or video of AEDC or AEDC tests please contact us by phone, mail or e-mail the AEDC Public Affairs office through the Contact Us link. If you need to reach PA after hours please call the AEDC operations center (931) 454-7752 and tell them you need to contact a PA representative.

AEDC Public Affairs
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-242
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-2242
(931) 454-4204
DSN 340-4204

Normal duty hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday except holidays
Expand List item 311Collapse List item 311  Recruiting

How do I find an Air Force recruiter?

               Check your local telephone directory or visit the Air Force recruiting web site. 
Expand List item 312Collapse List item 312  Relocating to Arnold Air Force Base

Does Arnold AFB have on-base housing? If so, who I contact for more information?

Military personnel at Arnold gain the best of both worlds when it comes to affordable housing. 

Arnold Family Housing

Neighborhood Amenities: 
Community Center' 
Arnold Lakeside Club 
Lodging Facility 
Athletic fields 
Walking/jogging trail around lake 
Woods Reservoir Beach and Recreational Area 
School Bus service to Tullahoma School System 

All military personnel must check in with the military housing office before making off-base housing arrangements. 

 How can I contact TMO (Transportation Management Office)?

Contact Arnold AFB TMO at: (931) 454-7805 or DSN 454-7805 

Contact Fort Campbell TMO at: (270) 798-7151 or DSN 635-7151 

 I have a firearm. What do I need to do when arriving at Arnold AFB?

Firearms registration is required if you have firearm in your possession and are: 

Staying in lodging 
Living in base housing 
Hunting inside the AEDC fenced area (only during the specified hunting season) 

To register firearms, you must: 
-- Attend a firearm class (i.e. details on hunting season dates, allowable firearms, etc.) 
-- Fill out an AF Form 1314 
-- Submit the AF Form 1314 to Security Forces HQ, building 251. 

For more information contact Security Forces HQ at (931) 454-5223 or by DSN 340-5223.

 I need to file a claim for damages incurred during my recent PCS. Who do I contact?

Claims for damages are handled through the Arnold AFB Legal Office.  Do not contact the Fort Campbell Legal Office for claims. 

The Claims Office is located at: 
Bldg 100 (the A&E bldg), Room B-130. 

For more information, contact the Arnold AFB Legal Office at (931) 454-7814 or by DSN 340-7814.

 I'm PCSing to/from Arnold AFB. What do I need to do?

Arnold AFB provides counseling and assistance with personal property moves to military personnel and DoD civilians.  However, the TMO at Fort Campbell, Ky. is the primary shipping office for Arnold AFB. 

Incoming personnel should contact the Arnold TMO office to receive assistance completing paperwork to request delivery of personal property through the Fort Campbell TMO.  NOTE:  At no point should you drive to Fort Campbell to do any of this paperwork.  Our TMO office is happy to assist you in this process.
Expand List item 313Collapse List item 313  Space Available Travel

Where can I get information about Space Available (Space A) travel?

Arnold Air Force Base has no aircraft; therefore, no "Space A" terminal.  The closest military base with a "Space A" capability is Scott Air Force Base, located about 20 miles to the east of St. Louis, Missouri.

The best resource for "Space available" ("Space A") travel is to contact the nearest military passenger terminal. The terminal staff will have the most current information. If you plan to travel Space A, contact the passenger terminal(s) where you plan to depart for current flight information and assistance. Click here for general information about the Space A program.
Expand List item 315Collapse List item 315  Tours

Can people tour the base?

Tours are scheduled by reservation at least two weeks in advance. The following information will help you in scheduling a tour of the base. Our telephone number is (931) 454-5655. Please be advised that military requirements could cancel your tour even once confirmed. A list of names is required in advance. Tour forms are located at the bottom of this section.

What You Need to Know

You must submit a list with the name, and citizenship of each visitor, including any bus drivers. This group roster must reach the AEDC Public Affairs Office at least seven working days in advance of your group's scheduled visit. 

Anyone not listed on your group roster should not be brought to AEDC. They will not be allowed to tour and their presence will delay or shorten your tour.

Tour Content/Dress
Tours are conducted in an industrial area and involve walking, some on steel grating, and climbing stairs. Comfortable walking shoes should be worn. DO NOT WEAR HIGH HEELS, OPEN-TOED SHOES OR SANDALS. Anyone not wearing appropriate footwear will not be allowed to tour. Children 8 years old or older are welcome to tour.

Special Provisions for Foreign Nationals
Foreign nationals from NATO, allied and friendly countries generally can tour AEDC. However, they must be identified on the roster, and they must bring photo identification with them. Rosters containing foreign nationals must be submitted 30 business days in advance of the tour date. You should confirm that all foreign nationals on your list have been approved by AEDC PRIOR to touring.

Special Arrangements for Mobility Impaired
AEDC is a large industrial complex - most of the facilities we tour are not equipped for mobility-impaired persons. We can, however, on a case-by-case basis, arrange tours for the mobility impaired but arrangements must be made prior to touring.

Size of Tour Groups
A tour group should consist of at least 15 people and a maximum of 35. Larger groups are considered on a case-by-case basis. Tour groups must provide transportation while touring. A small shuttle or large bus is acceptable. Multiple cars or a caravan of vehicles are not allowed for touring.

REMINDER: Use of cameras and video recorders is not permitted. Smoking is not allowed during tour. 

Tour Coordinator
AEDC Public Affairs
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-236
Arnold AFB, TN 37389-1236
(931) 454-5655
FAX (931) 454-6720





Expand List item 316Collapse List item 316  Transporting non-DoD goods

How do I request the Air Force to transport something? 

Title 31 of the United States Code (The Economy Act) prohibits DoD from transporting non-DOD goods and people unless (1) it is in the national interest, (2) commercial transportation is not available, (3) the request is sponsored by a Federal government executive agency, and (4) the sponsoring agency agrees to reimburse DOD for the cost of transporting the goods or people 

AEDC Public Affairs

AEDC Public Affairs
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-242
Arnold AFB, TN 37389
(931) 454-4204
Privacy and Security
Public Affairs cannot provide individual phone numbers, nor do they have the ability to transfer phone calls.