Aerospace Testing Alliance employees make a donation to Oklahoma schools

  • Published
  • By Kathy Gattis
Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA) employees recently donated $6,000 to help public schools in Oklahoma after tornados ripped through the area.

About 282 people at ATA decided to donate their portion of award fee to help the Moore school system as it recovers from the devastation. The total collected was just over $5,000 and ATA added another $1,000 to make the total $6,000.

Cindi Marshall, president of the ATA Employee and Community Activities Committee, asked that the money be used to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). However, she said the donation can be used for other purposes if needed.

In a letter to school officials, Marshall said, "We also live in small communities and can only guess at the impact the tornados had on every Moore citizen. We wish we could do more. We pray for a quick recovery and peace to those who lost family members."

Marshall also sent the names of all 282 employees who contributed to the Moore Public Schools Tornado Relief Fund.