What time is it? It’s Relay For Life time! Published Feb. 6, 2018 By Dee Wolfe AEDC/PA ARNOLD AIR FORCE BASE, TENN. -- The Coffee County Relay For Life event is quickly approaching and sponsors of the event need your support.Tullahoma and Manchester have combined and are hosting a joint event which is scheduled for April 21, 5-9 p.m., at the Coffee County Raider Academy, 865 McMinnville Hwy., Manchester, Tenn.The American Cancer Society estimates that in Tennessee alone, there will be 36,760 new diagnoses of cancer and 14,900 people will die in 2018 from cancer.The American Cancer Society is committed to saving lives from cancer. But we can't do it without you. Your donations help us fight all types of cancer, for all types of people, in all types of communities around the globe. Each person who joins Relay For Life can take pride in knowing that they are working towards creating a world free from the pain and suffering of this disease. Your donations to Relay For Life help the American Cancer Society fund groundbreaking cancer research, critical patient care services, education and prevention initiatives, and so much more.AEDC employees are encouraged to participate in the fundraiser. Relay For Life is not a race; it is an event to raise money and awareness for cancer research and a large percentage of the monies raised at these local events are used to help local residents get the care they need.Cancer has affected just about everyone at AEDC in one way or another. Almost everyone knows someone who is currently battling cancer, who has gone through it, or who hasn’t survived it which is why events like Relay For Life are so important.I am a two-time cancer survivor and my husband Shawn and I, both AEDC DOD employees, coordinate the base’s involvement in the event. We have participated in the event since 2009 and have been captains of team REMEMBER since 2011.Since 2009, AEDC teams have raised an average of $5,000 per year for cancer research during these events.Luminary bags are a wonderful way to pay tribute to those who have lost the battle or who are survivors. Bags can be purchased from Shawn or Dee Wolfe for $10. Individuals can take the bag home and decorate them and then return them no later than April 16.The money raised through Relay For Life events helps realize the American Cancer Society's mission to save lives, celebrate life and lead the fight for a world without cancer.Donations are used to fund life-saving cancer research, patient support services, prevention and education information, and detection and treatment programs. Some of the money raised last year was used to make a difference in the local area by funding 71 nights at the Hope Lodge in Nashville, paying for Personal Health Managers for a dozen patients and procuring wigs for women who have lost their hair. Funding is also allocated for “Road to Recovery” where volunteers give rides to patients needing treatment or cancer-related doctor visits.Please consider joining a Relay For Life event and fundraising or making a donation today. If you would like more information about Relay For Life, are interested in joining our team or starting your own, or would like to make a donation, please call (931) 454-4313 or (931) 454-7824. Individuals can also register online at www.relayforlife.org/coffeetn.