Ensure your voice is heard, exercise your right to vote Published June 20, 2016 By Paul Ritter AEDC Analysis and Evaluation Branch ARNOLD AIR FORCE BASE, TENN. -- The United States is in the midst of a busy voting year. Armed Forces Voting Week, June 27 - July 5, is an opportunity to encourage and enable the people of the U.S. Armed Forces to exercise that vote. The week is devoted to ensuring that military personnel and their family members know they can vote even if they live outside their place of residence. In November, there will be the opportunity to elect a president. There will also be elections, or re-elections, for 435 members of the House of Representatives, six non-voting delegate seats in the House of Representatives, 34 members of the Senate, 12 state governors and two territorial governorships. Additionally, there will be numerous other state and local offices up for election. Voting is one of the fundamental rights that is protected every day and it is important that this right is exercised this fall. November elections are the time to speak your mind and have a say in the future of our great nation. For details on primaries and election dates, visit www.fvap.gov. Your Installation Voting Assistance Officers are here to assist you with the voting process and the absentee voting system. Our role is to educate voters about the voting process, not to guide anyone toward a particular candidate or party. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached via email at arnold.vote@us.af.mil, or by phone at 454-7809 or 454-6316. -AEDC-