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Manchester resident Mike Wrenn receives ATA award

Release Number: 208120

Manchester resident Mike Wrenn, an Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA) engineer for Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), was recognized as a department employee of the quarter.

Wrenn was recognized for his support of two critical propulsion test programs in C-1--F135 Short Take-Off Vertical Landing qualification test and the F119 altitude ignition test.

Not only were these two programs highly critical to our customer, but there were back-to-back in schedule; and a very demanding test schedule at that.

He led the analysis team on both programs providing guidance to data reduction, post-test reporting, QLA preparation, test summary briefing and TR preparation.

Additionally, he worked to incorporate training opportunities for other employees. His calm demeanor and manner of communication led everyone through two difficult test programs without a glitch.

Wrenn has worked at AEDC for 11 years.