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Sea Level Test Complex Integrated Investments Team receives Gen. Gossick Team Excellence award

Release Number: 070022

The Sea Level (SL) Test Complex Integrated Investments Team's successfully planned, integrated, executed and checked-out more than 15 project-level efforts within a 12-month period, meeting critical jet engine programs' need dates in January 2007. This work represented the culmination of about a $25 million investment, which delivered new air-flow, thrust measurement and engine installation time capabilities. Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) had a critical need to have SL-2 and SL-3 ready for testing in the second quarter of fiscal year 2007. The SL investments team was able to integrate the 15 projects critical to sea level success while making sure other ongoing projects were not impacted. Through the team's efforts, capabilities such as a new 50,000-pound overhead mount thrust stand, new engine off-load and build-up area and a new cell configuration allowing quicker installation methods was delivered to SL-2. Also, ducting improvements throughout the facility enable higher air flow capacities to be delivered to both cells for RAM and atmospheric engine testing. The team's work enables the SL test complex to continue as workhorse propulsion test cells for AEDC and its customers.