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  • Thomas takes command of 717th Test Squadron

    During the lead-up to him taking command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 717th Test Squadron, Lt. Col. Joshua Thomas came across an article published to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the first simulated flight test of an engine at AEDC.This spurred Thomas to reflect upon how

  • 717th Test Squadron team receives training on analysis software

    This August, 14 test analysts and test engineers supporting the 717th Test Squadron, part of the 804th Test Group at Arnold Engineering Development Complex, headquartered at Arnold Air Force Base, participated in a training opportunity.The 804 TG Analysis and Technology Development Branch, or TDA,

  • Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs visits Arnold AFB

    Col. Randel Gordon, commander of Arnold Engineering Development Complex, points out components in the C2 altitude engine test cell to Maj. Gen. David H. Tabor, second from left, the director of programs for the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters Air Force, and

  • Air Force technical leaders get up-close look at AEDC operations

    Technical leaders with the 412th Test Wing and 96th Test Wing met with Arnold Engineering Development Complex leadership over three days to view the ground test capabilities at Arnold Air Force Base. These two test wings, along with AEDC, make up the Air Force Test Center.

  • Roady assumes command of 717th Test Squadron

    Lt. Col. Ryne Roady became commander of the 717th Test Squadron of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex during an official ceremony held July 8 in the Sea Level Test Cell 3 at Arnold Air Force Base. As 717 TS commander, Roady oversees 400-plus military, civilian and contractor workforce

  • Propulsion team continues flow visualization study to save time, money

    Team members with the 717th Test Squadron, 804th Test Group, Arnold Engineering Development Complex at Arnold Air Force Base are continuing to collect shadowgraph measurements of high sound pressure level nozzle acoustic events to validate computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, prediction methods.To

  • AEDC stands up 804th Test Group with ceremony

    An official ceremony was held May 20 at Arnold Air Force Base, headquarters of Arnold Engineering Development Complex, to activate the 804th Test Group as part of reorganizing AEDC to align with the traditional Air Force structure.“The activation of the 804th Test Group at Arnold Air Force Base