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  • AFTC gains new test capability

    As weapon system designers continue to innovate for the defense of the nation, the men and women of the Air Force Test Center must advance the test capabilities available to develop and prove the superiority of those systems needed to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy.Members of the

  • Virtual reality capability used during sensor validation in AEDC test cell

    When performing sensor validation tests in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Sea Level Test Cell 1, or SL-1, this summer, AEDC engineers at Arnold Air Force Base had the opportunity to view in nearly real-time a three-dimensional representation of the test hardware and support systems using

  • AEDC Aeropropulsion personnel testing software to aid in structural analysis

    Structural testing of new turbine engine designs can result in terabytes of data recorded from hundreds of sensors.  This data - collected during High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) characterization tests – traditionally required experts months to analyze and determine if the engine is safe to operate in an