Commentary Search

  • Spring Safety Campaign seeks to involve everyone

    Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA) collaborated with its parent company, Jacobs Engineering, which is took part in a consortium of 31 engineering and construction companies who joined together to raise safety awareness.As a result, those companies sponsored a Safety Week 2014, May 4-10.Rather than

  • Arnold Police remind motorists and motorcyclists to 'share the road'

    In recognition of May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, I would like to reach out to AEDC motorists and motorcyclists alike, encouraging them to "share the road" in order to reduce motorcycle deaths and injuries. Motorcycles are among the smallest and most vulnerable vehicles on the road,

  • Security viewed from a different perspective

    It is safe to assume that all of us associated with AEDC are focused on doing our part to ensure the Complex and the surrounding communities are secure places to work and live. It is a privilege to have had the opportunity to serve as a government contractor here at AEDC for the past 28 years,

  • ATA career development in progress

    Aerospace Testing Alliance's (ATA) career development program has been in place since 2006, lending transparency and guidance to career paths and the jobs associated with them.We would like to spotlight an ATA organization that has used the program quite effectively - the Integrated Test &

  • A holiday message from the AEDC commander

    Team Arnold, As we close out another historic year at AEDC, I encourage each of you to take time to pause and reflect on your accomplishments. Together you weathered one of the most challenging years in most people's memory. We started the year on a continuing resolution (CR) which dramatically

  • Holidays Offer a Time for Reflection

    As the holidays approach, it's a fitting time to reflect on the past year. With all of the budget cuts/uncertainties and the corresponding furloughs and recent force management announcements, 2013 was a year filled with many challenges. It was also a year filled with many successes. Through the

  • Veterans Day is a day to say thank you

    The United States greatly values its veterans and has a proud history of supporting and honoring these men and women. That is as it should be. While we should remember these heroes every day, Veterans Day offers a special time to acknowledge the millions of Americans who have stepped up to serve

  • Legal assistance for the ‘Modern Military Family’

    In 2007 Edith Windsor married her domestic partner, Thea Spyer, in Ontario, Canada. The couple resided in New York until 2009 when Spyer passed away and left her entire estate (to include $300K in estate taxes) to Windsor. Although Windsor applied for the federal estate tax exemption for surviv¬ing