Toward New Horizons publication imageToward New Horizons charted in 1945 a long-range aerospace research and development program for the nation, and led to the creation of what would become Arnold Engineering Development Complex. The report was authored by Dr. Theodore von Kármán and members of the Scientific Advisory Group he chaired for General of the Army Hap Arnold. Arnold asked Dr. von Kármán to study Germany's rapid development of advanced jet aircraft and other systems which almost allowed then-Nazi-dominated nation to win World War II. A similar effort in 1995 spawned New World Vistas, a blueprint intended to take American aerospace engineering into the 21st century.

About AEDC

AEDC shieldArnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) operates more than 68 aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space environmental chambers, arc heaters, ballistic ranges and other specialized units located in eight states. Many of the complex's test units have capabilities unmatched elsewhere in the United States; some are unique in the world. AEDC is one of three installations which are part of the Air Force Test Center (AFTC), one of six subordinate commands of the Air Force Materiel Command organization and an important national resource. View AEDC's fact sheetView/Read AEDC's Test Capability Guide.

Our Mission: Test and evaluate systems to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy.

Our Vision: Second to none!

Fact Sheets

engine test image - link to fact sheets

2021 Test Capability Guide

2021 Test Capabilities Guide

AEDC Strategic Plan

2023 AEDC Strategic Plan

AEDC Public Affairs

AEDC Public Affairs
100 Kindel Drive, Suite A-242
Arnold AFB, TN 37389
(931) 454-4204
Privacy and Security
Public Affairs cannot provide individual phone numbers, nor do they have the ability to transfer phone calls.


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