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  • Heal your mind, shine your light

    We each bring an especially unique trait with us wherever we go.We are bright, knowledgeable and strong. However, mental illnesses can dim our light significantly, preventing us from bringing everything we have to the table. Mental health is about more than just mental illness– it is essential to

  • Lancaster takes command of 704th Test Group Detachment 2

    Maj. James Lancaster assumed command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 704th Test Group Detachment 2 during a Change of Command ceremony July 12, 2024, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.As commander, he leads the Air Force team sponsoring more than 699 test missions and other

  • Project set to bring greater clarity to familiar voice at Arnold AFB

    What do nearby lightning, arc heater testing and Fridays at noon have in common?Each of these occurrences triggers an announcement from the Giant Voice System at Arnold Air Force Base, headquarters of Arnold Engineering Development Complex. When lightning enters the 10-mile radius around the

  • Protocols in place for Arnold AFB honor events

    Throughout the process to upgrade it, the Giant Voice System at Arnold Air Force Base has continued to transmit events across the installation to honor the nation’s flag.These events involve the sounding of music, and protocols are in place for individuals on Arnold to follow when this music

  • Cop Corner: Speeding on Arnold AFB

    In this edition of “Cop Corner,” we would really like to talk about something that has started to get a bit out of hand lately. We are talking about speeding. Speeding has been a major contributor of accidents on Wattendorf Memorial Highway this past year, to include a fatality of one of our own

  • Dirkes takes command of 704th Test Group

    Col. Wayne Dirkes assumed command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 704th Test Group during a Change of Command ceremony July 8, 2024, at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.The mission of the 704 TG is to operate world-class test facilities for high-speed sled track testing, navigation

  • Prepare your emergency action plan

    Do you have an emergency plan? What will you, your coworkers or family do in case of an emergency fire, tornado, active shooter or other emergency scenario? Planning will help you each to know how to be prepared, stay safe and contact each other in case of an emergency.While at WorkIn case of fire –

  • Thomas takes command of 717th Test Squadron

    During the lead-up to him taking command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 717th Test Squadron, Lt. Col. Joshua Thomas came across an article published to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the first simulated flight test of an engine at AEDC.This spurred Thomas to reflect upon how

  • Hole in one: AEDC team member Jay Potter claims spot in U.S. Senior Open

    Arnold Engineering Development Complex employee Jay Potter is getting a shot at the chance of lifetime.Potter has qualified and will be competing in the 44th U.S. Senior Open Championship in Newport, Rhode Island.An amateur golfer who has been playing the game for almost 40 years, Potter earned his