Stacey Lamb named 2020 Outstanding Quality Assurance Program Coordinator for AFMC

  • Published
  • By Jill Pickett

Stacey Lamb, the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Quality Assurance Program coordinator (QAPC) and Small Business specialist at Arnold Air Force Base, has once again distinguished herself among her peers, earning the Air Force Material Command Award for Outstanding QAPC for a second time.

Lamb earned the award the first time for her work in fiscal year 2018.

“I was so honored to have even received this award the first time; so the second time…,” Lamb said. “I’m really shocked and a lit bit speechless because I work with some really great QAPCs from other bases.”

Lamb has been in the field of government contracting for more than 15 years, previously working with the Department of Veterans Affairs. As a QAPC, she is responsible for ensuring all government employees that perform surveillance on government contractors are properly trained for the task. She also acts as the administrator for the surveillance program that tracks surveillance reports, training and reviews.

“Stacey truly enjoys her job working with multifunctional teams to ensure AEDC is in compliance with its contract oversight requirements,” said Rebecca Gardner, chief of the Test Range and Specialized Contracting Division for AEDC and Lamb’s supervisor. “She has developed new processes within the QA program to ensure Contracting Officer Representatives are thoroughly trained and that their documentation is inspected each year. Stacey is very proactive and reaches out to CORs frequently to ensure any issues are mitigated early.”

As it did for so many, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Lamb to make changes to complete her tasks.

“The most challenging aspect of the pandemic for my job is some of the training and documentation needed in the system I have always done one-on-one,” Lamb said. “I just had to find a way to work the one-on-one by getting them to call my cell and share their desktop so that I could walk them through needed steps. I feel like I am still able to provide the same level of training as in the past by adjusting to the change and everyone being patient as we’ve worked through the challenges.”

Lamb said the success she’s achieved is only possible because of equally dedicated co-workers.

“I do think I win these awards because of the great team I work with,” she said. “The team that I have makes me glad to go out of my way to do everything one-on-one and give more personal attention to each person I train and work with because they do the same for me when I need them.”