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  • With the new year come opportunities

    Once again, we have come to the close of one calendar year and opening of a new one.Traditionally, this is a time of reflection, looking back at what has happened in the past year. This includes the happy things such as a vacation, wedding, new baby, graduation, or goals accomplished, as well as the

  • Near misses become injuries

    Last week, I had a near miss reported to me.A forklift operator delivering material to a building on base was about to make a left turn, and a car passed her on the left just as she was beginning her turn. Had she not seen the car, it could have been a bad accident. It’s a good example of a near

  • AEDC Safety offers tips to avoid heat illness

    Here comes summer!Outside activities and obligations increase, and temperatures, humidity and the chance for heat illness increase right along with them. What is heat illness? It is when the body is not able to get rid of excess heat and properly cool itself.Learn the signs and symptoms of

  • National Safety Council designates May as National Electric Safety Month

    The National Safety Council partners with the Electric Safety Foundation, or ESFI, each May to present electric hazard awareness topics.The ESFI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. Their goal is to reduce the number of electric-related

  • AEDC Safety advises caution when it comes to earthquakes in Tennessee

    Growing up in California, we experienced earthquakes from time to time and learned what to do when one hit.The last one I experienced before moving to Tennessee was a 6.0 earthquake that shook things up and caused some damage. Moving to the south, I worried about tornados but thought earthquakes

  • Arnold AFB Safety provides tips in avoiding cold weather hazards

    With the extreme cold we have already experienced this season, and winter in full swing, I was reminded how unprepared for cold weather many of us are and how quickly you can get into trouble in cold weather. It only takes a few minutes for hypothermia or frostbite to cause serious injury.What is

  • Once again, back to school

    One morning soon you will head to work and notice there is more traffic on the roads. Some vehicles will have excited children, some will have young new drivers, and some will be big yellow school buses.Yes, it is back to school time.  School starts the first couple of weeks of August for more than

  • Arnold AFB Fitness Center access changed to improve base security

    In May, fencing was installed to prevent access to the Arnold Air Force Base Fitness Center from Wattendorf Memorial Highway.Prior to this change, patrons could park in a lot between the highway and the Fitness Center. They would then access the facility through a secured turnstile.Now, patrons must

  • AEDC Model Shop reduces risk with new chemical cleaners

    Mission first, safety always. Efforts to put that common saying into action in a meaningful and measurable way came to fruition this summer at Arnold Air Force Base. After more than a year of research and preparation, two new citrus-based chemical cleaners were delivered and put to use in place of