ARNOLD AIR FORCE BASE, Tenn. -- Once again, we have come to the close of one calendar year and opening of a new one.
Traditionally, this is a time of reflection, looking back at what has happened in the past year. This includes the happy things such as a vacation, wedding, new baby, graduation, or goals accomplished, as well as the serious things like illness, injury or loss.
Here at work, we have had many changes, including a new contractor on base, construction everywhere and many new faces. Things around us are continually changing, sometimes good and sometimes not exactly what we would like.
I recognize the cliché, but with the new year there will be many challenges and opportunities. My name is not Pollyanna, but I am an optimist, and I believe things work out in the end.
Take a moment to look ahead and try to be ready to deal with whatever comes. Be happy with the good things and get past the challenges, ready to move on.
With the new year, choose daily to be safe. It is a choice. Whether you are at work teaching a new hire or working at home, someone is watching and learning how to do the task. Are you teaching them to be safe or are you taking shortcuts?
Watch out for those around you and have a great new year.