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  • Arnold AFB economic impact exceeds $1 billion in fiscal year 2024

    Arnold Air Force Base had an economic impact of $1.1 billion in the 2024 fiscal year.Arnold AFB impacted the local area through payroll, secondary jobs created through local spending, and other expenditures for supplies, utilities, fuel and services and the spin-off impact of those purchases.Arnold

  • Boss assumes leadership of AEDC 804th Test Support Squadron

    Emblazoned at the top of Arnold Engineering Development Complex 804th Test Support Squadron patch are four words – “Enable today. Deliver tomorrow.”Dustin Boss expressed confidence that the team now under his direction will continue to accomplish the goal defined in the squadron motto.“To the TSS

  • Foster retires following 18-year AEDC career

    Over the past 18 years, Amy Foster helped ensure that all the t’s were crossed and i’s dotted so nearly every facet of work at Arnold Engineering Development Complex could be accomplished.Now, she is entering her next chapter.Foster retired from AEDC on Jan. 31 following her nearly 20-year career

  • Be a healthier valentine

    February is the month of love. It is also the month of heart heath.It is no coincidence that these two coincide. Nothing shows your valentine that you love them more than taking care of your heart health. By keeping your heart healthy, you can give your partner a gift like no other - time and

  • Arnold AFB Honorary Commanders tour installation

    Arnold Air Force Base Honorary Commander Stephen Crook, center, inspects an item manufactured by the team in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Model and Machine Shop at Arnold AFB, Tenn., while fellow Honorary Commanders Paul Parsley and Hope Nunley look on during a Dec. 9, 2024, tour of

  • AEDC team members take part in MLK Remembrance Walk

    Arnold Engineering Development Complex team members participate in the Remembrance Walk Jan. 16, 2025, at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., headquarters of AEDC. The walk, hosted by the AEDC African American Heritage Committee and Integrated Prevention, was held to honor the sacrifices of civil rights

  • AEDC Safety provides cold weather safety tips

    As we enter the coldest part of the year, we need to remember the best ways to stay safe when exposed to the tells us to “Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing and a hat. Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves. Cover your mouth to protect your lungs

  • With the new year come opportunities

    Once again, we have come to the close of one calendar year and opening of a new one.Traditionally, this is a time of reflection, looking back at what has happened in the past year. This includes the happy things such as a vacation, wedding, new baby, graduation, or goals accomplished, as well as the

  • Arnold AFB J-6 team completes 150th run in test facility

    The J-6 Rocket Motor Test Cell team at Arnold Air Force Base recently celebrated a significant milestone in the history of the facility.The 150th test run in J-6 occurred on Nov. 6.J-6 is a large altitude test capability for medium to large rocket propulsion systems.The recent milestone run occurred